Yes, We Can... Again.

Yall the world is heavy. The Justice Department is a dumpster fire (Barr v. NYSD), COVID is still raging, Tulsa is a powder keg with a short fuse, strange fruit is still swinging from trees, and every newsfeed is filled video after video of assaults on Black joy & the murder of Black lives... but there is hope. There is hope in the face of heart-wrenching pain and searing fatigue from playing a game that constantly changes right after you learn the rules. There is hope is because we are a resilient people.

There is hope because this is not our first fight. We are Ali as he stepped into the ring with Forman. We may be the perceived underdog but that's just because the oddsmakers don't know what we have inside. We change nations, topple isms, and color the world with the flick of our pen, the bounce of a ball, and the sound of our voices.

So while the world may be crazy and spinning faster than ever before, let us not lose hope. In 2008 we chanted "Yes, we can" until it became a steady beat as we marched toward victory. Remember that song. Hear the melody again. Let that fire reignite and declare that "yes, we can...again" and again and even again. We are committed to getting this experiment called democracy right and we will fight until the ideals written in 1776 ring true for every one.